Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Phoenix Children's Hospital & Infusion Clinic Visits

Yesterday I had the opportunity to visit so many amazing children at Phoenix Children's Hospital and at the infusion clinic.  Most of the children that I visited are faced with life threatening illnesses, yet they have such positive attitudes and a great outlook on life.  They all truly touched my heart and made me smile.  This little angel was so excited to see me!  She ripped off her pretty flower headband as soon as I offered my crown to her.  It was a little big, but I held it on there for her to wear because she truly is a princess!

Jason Schechterle Scholarship Ball~9/24/11

I was excited to have the opportunity to help at the 5th Annual Jason Schechterle Scholarship Ball this past Saturday!  The event was to benefit the 100 Club of Arizona, who stands behind the men and women who stand behind the badge, and the 100 Club of Arizona Scholarship Program, awarding scholarships to immediate family members of first responders.  It was a great event attended by over 1000 people!  You can read more about Jason's incredible story at:

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Debbie Gaby's Celebrity Catwalk for Charity

What an amazing opportunity it was to be part of Debbie Gaby's 7th Annual Celebrity Catwalk for Charity benefitting UMOM New Day Centers and Children’s Angel Foundation! I was amongst celebrities and talented individuals, all uniting with one goal in mind...CHARITY!
   Backstage with Debbie Gaby (Owner & CEO of Sleep America) getting ready to rock the catwalk!

Me with CNN/HLN News Now anchor, Christi Paul.

Me with 3TV's Terri O., Gina Maravilla, Kaley O'Kelley, Britney Shipp & Carey Pena.

September 20, 2011

 September 20, 2011~This morning I had the opportunity to model on 3TV for Fawn Cheng, personal stylist and image consultant.  She did a segment on ways to fashionably transition your wardrobe from Summer to Fall.  I had a great time and met some wonderful women!  This is a picture of me hanging out at the studio before the show.

Tonight, it was off to "Polka Dots & Popsicles Girl's Night Out" at the San Tan Mall.  The focus of the event was to gather goodies to send boxes to the troops and a portion of tonight's sales went to Soldier's Angels charity.  Thank you to Cristin Graham, owner and designer of Crissy G.'s Designs and Heidi Doyls, owner of Polka Dots & Popsicles for inviting me to this fabulous event!

Heidi Doyle, Me and Cristin Graham.

Registration for the next Mrs. Arizona America Pageant

On September 10th, I had the opportunity to meet with some of the wonderful ladies that will be competing in the next Mrs. Arizona America pageant.  The pageant will take place on February 18, 2012.  If you're interested in competing, please contact us for details through our website-  We will be having workshops over the next several months leading up to the pageant to help you with all of the details.  These workshops will cover paperwork, hair, make-up, fitness, wardrobe, interviews, on-stage presence and much, much more!  If competing for this title has been a dream of yours don't wait, put your dream in action and contact us today!  In February, I will crown a new Mrs. Arizona America...will it be you?

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Week of September 5, 2011

What a wonderful week it has been!  I had the opportunity to give four presentations this week to educate high school students on the March of Dimes and help prepare them for the upcoming "March For Babies" event in Casa Grande next month.  They were so receptive and respectful and I'm so appreciative of their willingness to raise money and walk in next month's event!

I also had the opportunity this week to speak with some individuals about their experiences with having premature babies in their family.  This wasn't planned, I just happened to be at the right place at the right time and it was great to share my story and be there to listen to others. 

Today was the first official workshop for the Mrs. Arizona America 2012 pageant.  Although the pageant isn't until February, we are busy helping to prepare next year's contestants for the big event!  The next pageant will be here before you know it!  If you've ever thought about competing for the title, it's not too late to sign-up...we're just beginning.

Tomorrow we reflect on the 10th anniverary of 9/11. For those we lost, for those who gave their lives to help, for those that were there to offer their assistance and to all of the families....our thoughts and prayers are with you, and you will forever be in our hearts. September 11, 2001 changed us as a nation, but we will forever remain strong. God Bless the U.S.A.

 Lori Skutnik~Mrs. Arizona 2011