Wednesday, June 22, 2011

March of Dimes & St. Josephs's Hospital

I had a wonderful meeting with Terri Spitz-State Director of Communications for the March of Dimes and Lauren Beglin-March of Dimes Community Director.  We have a big event coming up in November that you won't want to miss!  More information coming soon!  After my meeting, I was off to St. Joseph's Hospital to meet with families who have babies in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).  Five years ago, my twins were in the NICU when they born, so I can truly relate to what these parents are going through.  Having a baby go straight into ICU after birth is something that is hard to grasp unless you've been there.  I remember what it was like, and those memories are so clear in my head.  I'm so glad that I now have the opportunity to help those who are going through what I went through five years ago.

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