Thursday, February 9, 2012

Phoenix Children's Hospital

Today proved to be an emotional day as I visited Phoenix Children's Hospital. With each visit, I continue to be amazed by the strength of the families that I have the opportunity to visit with. Their willingness to share their personal stories with me and allow me to be bedside with their children means more to me that they will ever know. Each one of the parents and children will always hold a special place in my heart. Some of the kids have been at PCH for a couple of weeks, others, a couple of months. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers, not only today, but everyday.

It was a blessing to spend time with this beautiful young lady before she went into surgery today. She is so beautiful with a heart all for Jesus. She truly amazed me in more ways than one....we could all learn some valuable lessons from this amazing teen.

Amber was so full of energy and a joy to visit today! The sparkle in her eyes shined brighter than the crown on her head.

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