Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Beginning.....

 It had been 18 years since my last pageant, but my dream was still alive.  On the night of February 19, 2011 I stood on the Mrs. Arizona America stage hoping that all of my hard work, perseverance and determination would lead me to making my dream a reality.  I wanted it, I believed it and I was determined to achieve it!  As I heard my name called for Best in Swimsuit, Best in Evening Gown and then stood there in the top 2, I wondered what was next.  After hearing the 1st runner-up called I never heard another word, but in that moment my life changed more than I ever thought possible.  My dream was realized and I was the new Mrs. Arizona America 2011!  If it wasn’t for all of the photos, crown and sash that I still have to look at to remind me that I’m Mrs. Arizona America, I still wouldn’t believe it.

After being crowned I had six weeks to prepare for the national Mrs. America pageant. I spent sixteen incredible days at the luxurious Greenbrier Resort in West Virginia, met 50 versatile and accomplished women and had the experience of a lifetime!  I can’t begin to tell you how much this journey impacted my life, and I am honored to have represented Arizona at the national level.  As Mrs. Arizona I have been  given a stronger voice as I travel the state and work with the charities and organizations that I so passionately believe in, which allows me to positively impact the lives of others.  I have been blessed with so many new friends, experiences and memories that I wouldn’t have had without this title.  It’s not about the sash and crown, but what lies underneath that’s important.  It’s the lives that I touch everyday that makes this whole experience so fulfilling.

Follow me as I continue my journey as Mrs. Arizona America 2011.  It's going to be an amazing year!

All the Best,
Lori Skutnik
Mrs. Arizona America 2011

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