Friday, May 27, 2011

Phoenix Children's Hospital

My husband and I had a wonderful evening at the Phoenix Children's Hospital (PCH) supporting their "Pajama Jam."  This hospital holds a very special place in my heart.  It had been five years since I had been in PCH, but as soon as I walked through the front doors everything came back to me as if it were yesterday.  The entrance, the hallway down to the NICU where I spent countless hours for several weeks, and even the smell of my hands from the soap each time I washed my hands.  Tonight brought back so many memories; those of fear, exhaustion, confusion, joy and gratitude.  I know from first hand experience that all of the children and families that pass through these doors are filled with mixed emotions, and although we all have our own story, tonight we united to support one another and especially the children.  I met so many wonderful parents and children tonight.  Some had been patients at PCH several years ago, some have spent most of their life in and out of this hospital, and many were current patients at PCH. 
You will see a picture below of me with Mia and her little brother.  Mia Foutz is a brave 6 year old who was diagnosed with a brain tumor less than a year ago.  She is a such a beautiful, vibrant little girl and was such a joy to talk with!  Please read more about her story and support her by going to: and typing in her name. 
Thank you PCH for this great event! It's through the eyes of a child that we realize what life is really about.

Lori Skutnik
Mrs. Arizona America 2011

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