Saturday, March 24, 2012

As My Year Comes To An End....

One year ago, my life changed more than I ever thought possible when I was crowned Mrs. Arizona America. Although this journey came to an end last night, my heart is filled with gratitude for the amazing year that I have been blessed with and for the many people that have come into my life. Thank you to all of my family, friends and sponsors for all of your support this past year, I couldn't have done it without you!  I am so proud of every single lady that competed for the title of Mrs. Arizona America 2012. They are smart, versatile, accomplished women who are passionate about making a difference in this state. For me, the 27 different charities that I was given the opportunity to work with this past year will forever hold a special place in my heart.  Special thanks goes to my March of Dimes family!

From the bottom of my heart....THANK YOU for giving me the opportunity to represent you this past year, it has truly been an honor!

Lori Skutnik

Mrs. Arizona America 2011

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